By the time the calendar turns over to March, many adults may be in the winter doldrums. After all, the days have been shorter and darker during the last few months, the cold weather makes it difficult to be outdoors, and the holiday festivities have become a memory. For older adults who may live alone or reside in an assisted living facility, the social isolation may feel daunting. Here are some excellent celebrations for March you can share with a senior family member, friend or neighbor.
- Daylight Savings Time begins! In 2023, we “spring forward” on Sunday, March 12th, in effect giving us an extra hour of sunlight in the evenings. That may make it easier to go for a walk as the afternoons warm up or enjoy some time in the sunshine on a front porch.
- Spring officially begins on Monday, March 20, 2023. In the central time zone here in Texas, the spring equinox, the point when the sun is directly above the Earth’s equator, is a 4:24pm. For some fun, try the trick of balancing a raw egg on its end. While some say its not possible, we’ve tried it and even have a video to prove it is! Even without the egg, the first day of spring is a day to celebrate! At BeeHive Home Care, we’ll be talking about all the things to come – from birds’ building nests, to watching the trees leaf out, listening for the flocks of geese headed north, and enjoying fresh spring time foods.
- In Texas, March also means Lent, the 40 days before Easter of fasting and prayer. For our residents who recognize Lent as part of their religious belief, we adjust our meal preparation to include meals with more fish or meat-free options. If you or your grandparents grew up in Texas, you may remember fish tacos, chili con queso, and capirotada as traditional foods during Lent.
- The Ides of March. March 15th is known as the Ides of March because of the assassination of Roman Emperor Julius Caesar on that day. That’s probably an event that your senior family member learned about in school, so it might prompt some recollections about studying and schoolwork from when he or she was a child.
- March is Women’s History Month. Over the course of your aging family members life, a lot has probably changed in how women participated in our society. From women going into factory work during World War II to their advancements in education, medicine and science, women today have a different place than they did in the 1940s or 1950s, for example. That might be a conversation starter for interesting reminiscing with your loved one.
At BeeHive Home Care, we understand that aging can present difficulties but we also see the value and benefits of finding reason for celebrations, each and every day. We’re here to help, whenever you might need information about assisted living centers for adults. Our in-home care for seniors offer you and your aging loved ones a chance to stay in their own home with assistance for life’s daily needs. If you’d like to find in-home care nearby or have questions, please contact us today.